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  1. Hi J C,

    I enjoyed reading about your release for The Lover's Game on Sinfully Sexy. I will definitely plan to read this and your other books as I enjoyed the excerpt, synopsis and teasers.

    Many continued well wishes with your writing endeavors.
    Ginger Robertson aka robertsonreads

  2. I can't wait need more jett and brooke the not knowing is driving me mad the cliff hanger from lovers nearly killed me but jett was only in the game one for a little while but that was a great part coz no way did I see it coming lol I'm addicted

  3. Hello,

    I just found your work through Shayna Renee's Spicy Reads as I was signing up for some giveaways. I posted links for The Lover's two books. From there, I checked out your Amazon page and got intrigued by all 5 of the books that you have out. I purchased The Lover's Secret, but would love to get all of the others so that I can read them in order. You had me hooked from the synopsis and teasers.

  4. I need this book now!!!

  5. P.s. just keep writing and being the artist you are with words. You have great reviews on ur books and I know will be popular and successful with your writing career. I love that ur books r less expensive but If did have a higher price tag, I would still endulge in buying each and every book and it would be worth every cent! I will spread the word for you. It's only a matter of time until you are as big as some of my favorites I listed above, as an author and your work, definitely deserve the respect from other authors and avid readers like myself, and the PR that I think you have earned.

    :) Sarah

  6. J.C. just had to say I absolutely love your story lines! Can't wait for Jett & Brookes next book!

  7. I loved the Surrender your love and No exceptions series... When is The lover's Proposal being released ?? Can't wait

  8. I loved the Surrender your love and No exceptions series... When is The lover's Proposal being released ?? Can't wait

  9. Love bad boy and can't wait for Kade's story. The only thing I hope is you will release it on kindle unlimited.
